
RLI member companies enjoy a rich catalogue of instructor-led and e-Learning courses as well as guidance documents to increase the capabilities of their supply chain partners to meet international expectations on addressing forced labor risks. Some of these include:

The Responsible Recruitment Due Diligence (RRDD) Toolkit, developed in collaboration with Apple and International Organization for Migration (IOM) to improve the capabilities of RBA/RLI members’ suppliers and their recruitment partners to effectively implement due diligence at every stage of the recruitment process. The Toolkit is based on guidelines developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) but adapted to meet the RBA’s labor standard on Freely Chosen Employment with the ultimate intention of mitigating risks of forced and exploitative labor within members’ global supply chains. Training on forced labor, responsible recruitment due diligence and how to use the Toolkit may also be provided to suppliers and recruitment partners upon request by members.

A suite of RLI-related courses is available for RLI members. Topics include understanding, recognizing and preventing forced labor, introduction to human rights, recruitment process, worker engagement, ethical recruitment and conducting due diligence on recruitment fees in the supply chain as detailed in the Practical Guide to Due Diligence on Recruitment Fees in International Supply Chains.

In addition, the RLI provides its members access to a Labor Migration Corridor Database, which is updated twice a year. This database contains important information on the types and amounts of recruitment fees and other related costs in high-risk migration corridors. This valuable information assists members in strategy development, costing and remediation related to recruitment fees and related costs.